Friday, March 7, 2014

Friday Faux Pas: Presidential "Style"

I recently read an article on Esquire about the 10 Best Dressed Presidents and some of them were actually very stylish. First to mind is usually JFK, having his clean cut style mixed with the Nantucket casual appearance and of course his hair; I mean, how else do you think Marilyn Monroe were such good "friends". Reagan is another guy that pops up on the style radar, but at this point in time, presidential style is rather sad.
Number one on the list was Barrack Obama, which honestly baffles me because the previous two presidents mentioned came in 6th and 5th respectively! I have nothing against Obama as a person and we're not going to get into politics, but stylistically, you can't reign as the Most "Stylish" President and be caught in mom jeans on a regular basis.
This so called presidential style is simply being as conservative as possible in a manner that appeals to the masses. That means black and navy suits (maybe a few more mixed in there), white shirts, simple ties, and simple shoes. If someone comments on your outfit saying you look very presidential, you probably take it as "I look commanding and respectful", but to me would come off as "Wow, I did my best to blend in today...". You should strive to get the GQ or dapper comments and turn heads because you did something with your outfit that is different.
If you are a poli-sci major, presidential style might be for you. If not, strive to higher means of fashion prowess for your own sake. I will be away from the computer this weekend, so check in Monday for my fashion trend outlook and next Friday for more of my style pet peeves.

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