Today's star is going to be a major fixture in the upcoming
Amazing Spiderman 2 flick, a movie I personally look forward to seeing. He'll be starring as Electro but his upcoming role isn't the only scene he has electrified over the years.
Looking stylish as always, nothing too fancy either. |
Jamie Foxx has bounced around the entertainment industry for years; acting, singing, designing, just about anything you can think of, he's done it. The longest part of his resume, however, would be his acting career, in roles ranging from action to drama and everything in between. Foxx is clearly the talented individual that you wish you would become half of some day, and although that will probably never happen, you could easily adopt his style.
Spiderman promoting in some classic rigs. |
When he is not appealing to his inner rapper, Foxx adopts a classic look that utilizes timeless pieces in new ways while pairing them with trendier pieces. The resulting facade is a style to be reckoned with, but also one that is easily attained. Like I said, his look is very "classics" heavy, so anything you do get will stay relevant in your wardrobe for years to come.
Foxx and Leo have become good friends these days. |
Check in tomorrow for my weekly recap and next Saturday for another stylish celebrity influence!
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